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Surgical Intervention and Clinical Care for Bronchiectasis
作者 楊惠卿吳菡芸吳明和
Bronchiectasis is a chronic irreversible respiratory disease that causes frequent coughing, thick phlegm, and dyspnea. The design of this study is based on a simulated patient data registration form, including: segmental distribution of bronchiectasis, clinical symptoms, operation time, surgical indications, and surgical site. Surgical results of the patients: including the postoperative hospital stay, complications, and symptoms improvement and symptom relapsed one month after the operation. From 2009 to 2022, a total of 89 patients underwent thoracoscopic bronchiectasis lung resection, with an average age of 60.6 (±12.29) years, including 58 females (65.2%) and 41 males (34.8%). Frequent cough was the most prevalent symptom, reported in 79 patients (88.8%), followed by thick phlegm in 66 patients (74.2%), and hemoptysis in 49 patients (55.1%). Among the 89 patients, 58 (65.2%) underwent unilateral lung surgery, and 31 (34.8%) underwent simultaneous bilateral lung surgery. Operation time was 142.64±67.31 minutes for unilateral lung surgery, 249.52±87.2 minutes for bilateral lung surgery. The average postoperative hospital stays were 8.57 (±5.87) days. The majority of patients were discharged safely following surgery, with the exception of a 72-year-old male who underwent thoracoscopic lung resection and tracheostomy due to preoperative bronchiectasis-induced pyo-pneumothorax and respiratory distress. Unfortunately, he succumbed on the 11th day postoperatively. In conclusion, thoracoscopic lung resection is an indispensable method for the treatment of bronchiectasis. The incidence of postoperative hemoptysis is low. Even if the patient’s physical function is stable, it is quite safe to perform one-stage bilateral lung surgery.
起訖頁 165-173
關鍵詞 支氣管擴張症咳嗽胸腔鏡肺切除手術bronchiectasiscoughthoracoscopic pulmonary resection
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 202408 (23:2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 厚朴酚誘導三陰性乳癌細胞凋亡並抑制上皮間質轉化
該期刊-下一篇 人工輔助生殖技術失敗不孕症之婦女就診中醫治療之流行病學概況




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