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A Study on the Implementation Formative Feedback for Competency-Based Curriculum in Lower Grades of Elementary School- Using Thematic Life Curriculum as an Example
作者 游嘉鈴
This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of using a feedback matrix to provide formative feedback in implementing competency-based thematic integrated teaching for a lower-grade elementary school life curriculum teacher in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. This is a self-study, with the researcher's lower-grade class as the subject. Through the collection of formative feedback data and the use of qualitative analysis, the study examines the effectiveness of implementing formative feedback in teaching from the perspective of both the competency-based teaching practitioner and the learner. The findings are as follows:
1. The use of a feedback matrix with formative feedback in the design of thematic integrated instruction can effectively help teachers establish a complete context for the curriculum;
2. Formative feedback can improve the students’effectiveness of completing summative performance tasks;
3. The use of multi-dimensional formative feedback can better address individual differences among students and enhance their learning outcomes;
4. Providing formative feedback in the implementation of competency-based thematic life curriculum can create a positive atmosphere of teacher-student co-learning, and highlight the positive value of formative feedback.
起訖頁 33-60
關鍵詞 素養導向教學主題統整教學形成性回饋自我研究competency-based teachingthematic integrated teachingformative feedbackself-study
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 202406 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 高級中等學校教師專業發展阻礙、自我效能對工作壓力之影響──以學校支持為調節效果
該期刊-下一篇 提升自閉症幼兒於融合情境社會行為能力之行動研究




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