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A Case Sharing of Local Government’s Construction of Support System for Teachers’Continuous Professional Development
作者 陳順利
This study conducted a meta-analysis of the new model for a teacher continuous professional development support system constructed by the Education Department of Tainan County Government, using the theo¬retical lenses of activity theory, expansive learning, structural holes, and agency. The implicit knowledge acquired by participants through the pro¬cess of expansive learning was made explicit through writing, and rel¬evant diagrams were used to visualize thinking to facilitate the sharing of this process knowledge. Based on the meta-reflections on the process of constructing the new regional ecological network support system model, recommendations were made for individual teachers, school leaders, and local governments. It was hoped that relevant agents would further refine and improve teaching plans to enhance teacher professional development and curriculum quality. A three-tier“central, local, and school”support system was proposed to meet the specific needs of the local education¬al context, allowing schools in remote areas to form regional ecological networks, cultivate local talents to fill structural holes, and demonstrate agency in leading cross-school teacher network communities of practice to support school curriculum development and teacher professional de¬velopment, thereby implementing the new curriculum guidelines.
起訖頁 269-311
關鍵詞 活動理論展化學習結構洞能動性教師持續專業發展支持系統activity theoryagencyexpansive learningstructural holessupport system for teachers’continuous professional development
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202407 (152期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 國民小學校長韌性領導實踐之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 國中生的家庭社經地位與做家事時間成長軌跡對學習成就的影響




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