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Examples of Vietnamese Folk Literature and Historical Materials in“Guang Ji Hua Wen”
作者 陳益源 (CCHEN YI-YUAN)
“Guang Ji Hua Wen”is a set of articles published in Vietnam Hanoi by Wu Di Min (Edmond Nordemann, 1869-1945) in the second year of Khải Định Nguyễn dynasty (1917) in the capacity of supervising academic administration.“A total of 508 chapters were selected from a group of books and articles of association, divided into 4 volumes”(volume 1“Extract inner books”, volume 2“extract outer books”, volume 3“Overview of Official Documents”, volume 4“Almanac of Li Shu”). It contains public and private documents of Chinese and Vietnamese-Chinese characters and it is an important collection of documents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This book is one of the precious channels to investigate the Chinese books introduced into Vietnam. Meanwhile, the books in Vietnamese Chinese and various public and private documents of Chinese characters in China and Vietnam recorded in this book are also the important cultural assets for us to understand the books in Vietnamese Chinese and the history, politics, society and life of Vietnam in the 19th and 20th century. In this paper, 167 folk documents from different parts of Vietnam (including contracts, correspondence, ritual documents and social documents) are selected from the fourth volume of“Almanac of Li Shu”. These documents have the names, native places and time of the relevant people, it can be seen that they are records of the social life of the common people in Vietnam, with valuable literature value for the study of Vietnamese folk customs, worthy of the attention of Chinese and Vietnamese literature and folk researchers.
起訖頁 97-118
關鍵詞 吳低旻廣集華文黎庶通書越南民俗Wu Di Min“Guang Ji Hua Wen”“Almanac of Li Shu”Vietnamese Folk Custom
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 202212 (36期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 歌仔冊中的市井風俗畫——以《最新廈門市鎮歌》等四部歌仔冊為例
該期刊-下一篇 康原詩歌中的臺灣民俗節慶書寫——以《逗陣來唱囡仔歌Ⅱ——台灣民俗節慶篇》為討論範圍




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