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'Human Buddhism'' in Korea: The Current Status and its Tasks Ahead
作者 徐相文
自從1999年首爾佛光山寺正式在韓國社會擁有一席之地,至今已經過了近20年的時光。期間隨著星雲大師多次親自訪問韓國,釋迦摩尼不再是傳統佛中被神化的存在,而是一個生於俗世,修行於俗世,在俗世中獲得真理的存在,因此這一「人間佛教」的存在與秀勝,得以在韓國佛界廣泛的留下深刻的印記。 首爾佛光山寺作人間佛教在韓國傳的主要據點,佛光山寺的僧人與善男信女們同心一體帶來了諸多變化與發展。首先,外在方面,在韓國成立了3~4個國際佛光會世界總會的附屬協會,對臺灣佛光寺進行訪問參觀,履行著人間佛教傳道士角色。不僅如此,在精神層面上,在韓華僑是踐行人間佛教義的道場。另外,不僅在韓國佛界烙下了臺灣佛存在的印記,並且隨著蘊含著星雲大師的各種法問與導的書籍被譯成韓文出版,向韓國佛大眾提示了釋迦摩尼人性的一面。透過以上種種,首爾佛光山寺與西藏佛等外國佛寺廟一起,構成了韓國佛的多樣性。 此外,首爾佛光山寺在作韓國-臺灣佛交流的橋樑同時,也在更加深入的促成對佛信徒及佛學有興趣的韓國青年的臺灣訪問等交流活動。另外還透過組織中國留學生們進行參觀佛光山活動,使他們領悟佛的訓導,從而產生學習佛學的興趣,從而將人間佛教帶到中國。 另一方面,雖然首爾佛光山寺進行了各種努力,但在精通韓語的人才不足,總體上無宗傾向更強,韓國佛信徒數量正在減少等不佳的社會環境及條件下,人間佛教的傳播成果非常有限。了打破這一壁壘,需要進入地域共同體,擴大與韓國人的接觸範圍。以及將在韓國傳統寺廟裏中所接觸不到的臺灣茶道、中文、太極拳等,作首爾佛光山寺的長處,並以此來進行傳應該會有不錯的效果。並不僅限於宣揚佛理,積極弘揚人間佛教的特性,臺灣甚至於現代中國的歷史,文化,思想等,需要增加不僅精於佛法,還要精通韓語,瞭解韓國歷史與文化的人才。此類人才得不到補充的話,以現在狀況想要展開人間佛教的世界化及與韓國佛的融會貫通將不容易。人間佛教在培養韓國通方面需要比現在更多的投資和努力。 另外,如果認在即將到來的對北韓傳與由第四次產業革命所帶來的未來韓國社會的變化方面,有需要加大力度的必要和意志,我認應當做出相應的準備。
Two decades have been passed since the Seoul Bulgwang Mountain Temple had been starting to root itself in the Korean society in 1999. Meanwhile, several visits made by the Great Master Xingyun(星雲大師) to Korea stamped the excellence of the ‘Human Buddhism’ on the Korean Buddhist Society, by shedding a light on the actual practices of the Dharma of the truth in human world, instead of the deification of Gautama Buddha. The Seoul Bulgwang Mountain Temple, the key point for spreading the Human Buddhism has gone through a number of changes and improvements, which had been enabled by cooperation between the monks and the members. Externally, 3~4 affiliated associations of the International Buddhist Association(國際佛光會) have been established to foster visiting programs to the temple. Internally, the Chinese ethnic group in Korea take the role as the practitioner of the lessons taught by the religion. Furthermore, it not only imprints the Taiwanese Buddhism in the Korean Buddhist society, it also tells the humanized sides of Gautama Buddha by publishing books that contain the Great Master Xingyun's writings and lessons. By doing these, it contributes to the diversity in the Korean Buddhist society, along with the Tibetan Buddhism and other foreign Buddhist branches. Moreover, the Seoul Bulgwang Mountain Temple attributes to strengthening the international relationship between Korea and Taiwan, by fostering visiting programs for Korean youth to visit Taiwan. It also opens a bridge for the Human Buddhism to go into mainland China by providing chances to Chinese students studying in Korea to visit Mt. Bulgwang, and encouraging them to study. On the other hand, the results of these activities cannot overcome certain challenges, including the lack of manpower with language skills, the strong social tendency to lean to ward to the atheism, and the decrease in the number of members in the Korean Buddhist society. In order to overcome these obstacles, the Seoul Bulgwang Mountain Temple needs to expand its contact with local people in Korea, getting involved deeply in local societies. Also, it will take advantages if it uses its strengths, such as providing exotic experiences of learning Chinese language, Tai chi chuan, and tea ceremony, which cannot be experienced any other places. Furthermore, in order to spread the Buddhist teachings, s pecial features of the Taiwanese Buddhism, and the contemporary history of China and culture, manpower with fluency in Korean with sound understanding of Korean history and culture need to be supported. It will not be easy to make progress in globalization of the Human Buddhism and its stronger relationship with the Korean Buddhism. This is the reason why the Human Buddhism needs to take more time and efforts to nurture specialists in Korea. It also seems like the right thing to do, considering that it needs to get ready for future changes in Korea, including propagating in North Korea.
起訖頁 129-148
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201806 (27期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 星雲大師與臺灣「人間佛教」的發展
該期刊-下一篇 布施要無相,度生要無我——談《貧僧有話要說》中的超越意識




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