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The Colonial Effects in the Similar Culture–Taiwan's Japanese Era of“Tanabata”Customs Appearance
作者 林仁昱
Japan is a country that has long been influenced by Chinese culture. When Taiwan, with immigrants from China, Fujian and Guangdong as its residents, became a Japanese colony in 1895. Many different but similar cultures meet, what exactly will produce? At that time, how would the Taiwanese, in the face of such a colonialist with similar legends and cultural customs, become self-employed? It is indeed a topic of concern. Therefore, this article will focus on the ''Tanabata (Chixì)'' custom, which both Taiwan and Japan value, as the object of study. Through the newspapers and periodicals in Japanese era, as well as various school textbooks, teaching manuals and commemorative books on the ''Tanabata'' legend and various activities, and supplemented by the elderly interview. First of all, from the ''old customary investigation'' to the interpretation of festival fables and customs, we will discuss how the colonial authorities ''lend their force and common customs'' and strengthen their own valued parts in common festivals and similar legends and customs. Then, from the customs and transformations of the child care goddess and bamboo decorations, this article explores the conditions and significance of the many phenomena of ''juxtaposition and misplacement'' in society. In this special space-time environment, why does it have the appearance of ''the colonial effects in the similar culture ''? Through the ''Tanabata'' legend and customs inquiry, get a reasonable display and description.
起訖頁 29-55
關鍵詞 七夕傳說日治時代風俗牛郎織女近文化殖民The Folk Legend of Tanabata (Chixì)Japanese Era CustomsCowherd and WeaverThe Colonial Effects in the Similar Culture
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201612 (24期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《禮記》中的民俗探究
該期刊-下一篇 《閱微草堂筆記》官署中冥報故事的意義




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