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An Exploring of the Customs in Confucius Canon“ Li-Ji ”
作者 陳章錫
禮的儀式由民俗轉化而來,各項禮儀都可從民俗中找到其藍本。因此從俗到禮,是民俗的禮儀化、規範化。但是禮與俗又有本質的差別,俗是區域分布而來自民間的習俗,禮則是政治層面從上而下的領導文化。 本論文擬自《禮記》中的禮文,區別禮與俗之分際,及二者之間的交涉,繼而找出制禮的原則,探討應如何透過禮儀而達到化民成俗的功效。冀能以古鑑今,提供創建新禮之原則。文分六節,一是前言,撰述研究動機、目的及方法,揭示行文之架構安排。其二,根據《禮記》文獻,探討制禮之原則方法,以及禮與俗之關聯。其三,探討生活禮儀中之社會交際禮儀、家庭生活倫理之教,以及食衣住行各層面,禮與俗之關聯。其四,探討生命禮儀,自誕生禮、幼兒教育、冠笄之禮、婚禮、喪葬禮儀等,禮與俗之關聯。其五,探討禮樂文化、宗教祭祀禮儀及民俗的內在精神。六是結語,總括全文,揭示本文要旨及撰述之學術意義。
This paper aims to distinguish between the Li and the customs from the Confucius Canon“ Li-Ji ”in order to find out the principles of setting custom systems and to explore the functions of customs and rites. There are six sections. First, to propose the purpose and the methodology of the paper. Second, to explore the principles of setting custom systems and the connections of Li and folk customs. Third, to analyze the manners and morals in social and daily life. Fourth, to explain the essence of ceremony for life events from birth rites to religious rites. Fifth, to interpret the inner spirits of the Li and customs in life. And Sixth, to review the documents and make conclusions.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 禮記民俗化民成俗生活禮儀生命禮儀宗教禮儀Li-JiFolk CustomsEducating Common People for the MoralsThe Manners for Daily LifeThe Ceremony for Life EventsReligious Rites
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201612 (24期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-下一篇 近文化殖民的效應——台灣日治時代的「七夕」風俗面貌




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