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The Endless Drama of Fishing in the Kuroshiro Current–Time, Body and Memory in Hung-Chi Liao's“Back to the Coast”
作者 蕭義玲
“Back to the Coast”by Hung-Chi Liao, a Taiwanese Ocean literature writer, is a latest work published in 2012. This book features a writing of Liao's memory going back to the scene of fishing in the Kuroshiro current twenty years ago when facing the withered coastal scene at this point in time after his ocean travel and writing experience have become more plentiful and mature. In the context of writing for this book, this essay discusses issues including how does the writer treat life along the coast and the fishing life in his memory and what is the writer 's hidden worry the coastal scene has touched. Since Liao has published ”Fishermen,”how does the writer reendow the sea and memories of fishing with distinct signification after two-decade course of his writing from“Fishermen”to“Back to the Coas?”In writer 's ocean and writing experience, what place does the coast and the memory of fishing occurring on it takes? Finally, Liao often claims himself an“ocean messenger“ to treat his status as a writer, i.e. he hopes to lead island and islet habitants who have maintained their isolation from ocean all the time to an awareness of the truth about survival surrounded by ocean through writing, and if we can listen to the ocean message in interpretation? What cultural significance can be embodied in such listening? This essay tries to use three clues of inter-tension to open up discussion through“time,”“body”and“memory”.
起訖頁 151-193
關鍵詞 廖鴻基《回到沿海》時間身體記憶海洋文學Hung-Chi Liao“Back to the Coast,”TimeBodyMemoryOcean Literature
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201212 (16期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王船山《古詩評選》「神韻」說之美學觀點




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