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Dealing and application of fable stories of hong-lian liu-chi-–the work of folk literature in Ming Dynasty
作者 王祥穎
本論文結合明代紅蓮柳翠型題材的小說、戲曲等俗文學題材,觀察犯戒轉世度脫故事的形成過程。南宋以前,紅蓮、柳翠原為兩個獨立類型的傳說故事,到了明初經由說書藝人的結合,形成紅蓮故事與前世紅蓮、後世柳翠之紅蓮柳翠連結型故事,此二類故事一直流行至明末。 文中透過小說戲曲文本內容,論述傳說定型後的意涵,了解創作手法,釐清紅蓮柳翠這一類民間故事在明代轉變、定型與應用狀況。此傳說源頭雖為宋代《古今詩話》「至聰禪師」條,但經宋、元、明時期民間說唱藝人加工後,與原筆記小說有很大的差異性,其情節設定除了個人創作意識外,應包含整體社會觀點融入傳說作品中。故透過文學社會學理論,分析此類作品意涵結構,其組成不脫離二元對立又消融之結構模式,並突顯出「心念」乃成佛的關鍵。此外,分段探求情節設計之個別與連結意義,從中了解此類作品深刻地將儒家道德觀與善惡果報等民間宗教意涵貫串其中,因此,犯色戒的高僧終究有頓悟成佛的可能性,這和民間「知過能改,善莫大焉」具有同樣正向鼓勵意味。因此,從文學社會學的分析角度更可清楚體認破戒事的民間觀點及其戒、情的衝突與緩解。
This paper unifies the novel and drama of the type of hong-lian liu-chi of Ming Dtnasty to observate the process of the story of violating religious commandment to reincarnation.Before Southern Song Dynasty,”hong-lian”and“liu-chiare”are two independent types of fable stories.Till the first year of Ming Dynasty, storytellers have formed the types of stories of“previous generation hong-lian”and“offsprings liu-chiare”- two kinds of stories were continuously popular to the end of the Ming dynasty. This paper analysis the formating reason and the changing plot of fable stories.Although this fable sources from Song Dynasty“gu jin shi hua”zhi cong shan shi””,but reorganized by traditional entertainment involving talking and singing entertainer from Song to Yuan and Ming Dynasty,has very big difference with the original note novels.The plot besides the individual consciousness of work,should contain the completely social viewpoint in the fable stories.By way of theory of literature and sociology to analysis the structures of this kind of work,the duality eliminated to display the key to achieve Buddhahood. In addition, seaching indiviually and connected meaning of plot designed in each paragraph,finding that ethics and retribution of good and evil –the concepts of Confucian are runned through deeply. Therefore,”The monk who violating religious commandment still has the possibility to achieve Buddhahood”,has the same heartering meaning of”To acknowledge own mistake bravely is the best personality”. Analysis from the angle of literature and sociology, realizing the viewpoint of breaking a vow and the comflict and alleviation of religious commandment and sentiment. This paper discusses the meaning of fable falled into a pattern through novels and drama to realize the technique of creating application and the transforms of fable stories of hong-lian liu-chi in Ming dynasty.
起訖頁 55-89
關鍵詞 紅蓮柳翠犯戒轉世意涵結構世界觀hong-lianliu-chi.violatingreligiouscommandmentto reincarnation.meaning and structure.viewpoint of the world
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 201012 (12期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 析論黃永武教授「言而有據」的散文寫作特色——以《愛廬小品》為例
該期刊-下一篇 從飛行到隨筆——黃永武遊記作品研究




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