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Resistance and Incorporation–A Study on Discourse Practice of Taiwanese Pop Songs from the Attribute of Popular Culture
作者 張錫輝
Discourse practice of Taiwanese pop songs and the attribute of popular culture are in different gradations. This essay advocates that observation into the history of Taiwanese pop songs should be conducted from the perspectives popular culture, while the comprehension of this history should be practiced from the perspectives of cultural meaning, instead of social function. From the perspectives of attribute of popular culture,“populace”is the variable allegiances as it has no fixed boundary. In such context,“populace”cannot be defined by the fixed scope of sociology, while the“populace”in popular culture of Taiwanese pop songs and“Taiwanese people”in discourse of Taiwanese pop songs may not share the same concept. This essay examines and reviews the discourse of Taiwanese pop songs through the attribute of popular culture, aiming to clarify the two important issues of the studies on Taiwanese pop songs. The first issue is the direction for interpretation of Taiwanese pop songs, as this essay advocates conducting studies from the perspectives of popular culture, replacing the interpretative model centered on Taiwanese subjectivity as the core. Secondly, with regard to the issue of banned songs, this essay introduces the interpretative model of“Social Health”following the perspectives of popular culture in an attempt to indicate the conflicts of two powers represented by purity and filthiness behind the banned songs. Lastly, in this essay, the researchers want to establish one new possibility to face the research of Taiwanese ballads again through these studies.
起訖頁 133-172
關鍵詞 大眾文化台灣歌謠社會衛生學文化清潔運動Popular CultureTaiwanese Pop SongsSocial HealthCultural Purity Movement
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200906 (9期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王船山《楚辭通釋》之文學思想及人格美學
該期刊-下一篇 宋代的韓詩接受——從「以文為詩」到「以道入詩」為觀察進路




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