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A Study on Wang Fu-Ji's Literature Theory and Aesthetics of Character in“Literature Reviews on Chu-Ci”
作者 陳章錫
王船山學貫天人,兼重理氣才情,特具哲學深度及忠貞人格。而其身世遭遇、時空背景及憂憤情懷,與屈原實有相近之處,故其所撰述之《楚辭通釋》,頗多創獲,而富含研究價值。本文意圖通觀全書內涵,尋繹船山之用心,抉發其中文學思想及人格美學,以作整體考察,期能深究其底蘊。 本文研究步驟,其一是前言,說明研究旨趣、方法。其二,探討《楚辭通釋》之創作緣由及詮釋特色。其三,探討《楚辭通釋》之篇目內容及作品內涵。其四,論述〈離騷〉、〈九章〉等與屈原生命歷程直接相關作品,分析其結構及思想內涵。其五,評論〈九歌〉、〈天問〉之創作旨意及思想內涵。其六,探討人格美學與忠之意涵,進而剖析屈原忠忱人格,於其作品中所呈現之諸多面相及深刻情意。其七,揭出《楚辭通釋》在文學理論之獨特見解及重要價值。其八,總括船山《楚辭通釋》文學思想及其人格美學,以彰顯其價值意義。
The great Confucianist Wang Fu-Ji's bitter and hard life history was very similar with that of the great poet Qu Yuan. So Wang's literature review on Qu Yuan's Poetry“Chu-Ci”had lots of creative thoughts and he dug deeply into Qu Yuan's literature theory and aesthetics of character. In this essay, the researcher explored Wang's work“Literature Reviews on Chu-Ci”. First, illustrate the aims and methodology of this“Review”. Second, explore the motives and quality of this“Review”.Third, show the contents of the“Review”. Fourth, discourse those chapters that related to Qu Yuan's life stories such as ‘Li-Sao’, ‘Jiu-Zhang’. Fifth, comment on those chapters that were important such as ‘Tian-Wen’. Sixth, relate Qu Yuan's personality to his poetry style. Seventh, put Wang's“Literature Reviews on Chu-Ci”a valuable position in literature theory. And at last, summarize the characteristics of the literature theory and the aesthetics of character to Wang's work“Literature Reviews on Chu-Ci”.
起訖頁 71-131
關鍵詞 王船山屈原朱熹離騷九章天問楚辭Wang Fu-Ji(王夫之),Qu Yuan(屈原),Zhu Xi(朱熹),Li-Sao(離騷),Jiu-Zhang(九章)Tian-Wen(天問),Chu-Ci( 楚辭)
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200906 (9期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論錢謙益詩學的世運說
該期刊-下一篇 抵抗與收編——從大眾文化屬性論台灣歌謠的論述實踐




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