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The Mirror Image of Secular Wishes–Study on Celestials and Related Humane Concepts in Literature
作者 林雪鈴
The existence of God excites all humans. The state of celestials can be achieved after training. A celestial is not only an idol of worship, but an aggregate wish of human nature. The thoughts of celestials revealed in literature often started from the narration of mythology, such as praises to Gods and heroes. After the rise of humanism, people care more about themselves and many stories of about human life were described. They are no more very theonomous. Based on the writings and readings about celestials, an abundant amount of celestials were created. Their meaning and life was reconstructed in the humanist fashion. The study aims to understand the core concept and characteristics of celestials as well as their development in literature. Their images and traditional descriptions were both generalized. The current humane orientation in mythology has focuses on the value that integrates the process from Gods to mankind.
起訖頁 17-36
關鍵詞 神仙道教宗教文學人文世俗化celestialreligion literature,humanismsecularization,Taoism
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200806 (7期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 典律(CANON)的製造與傾斜——論台灣詩壇的「詩人」票選
該期刊-下一篇 從閩南語中找到國語唇齒音的上古真面目




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