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The Research on Fruits Stories in the Buddhism of“Zhuang Ji Bai Yuan Jiang”(The Sutra of Collected Occasions ).
作者 梁麗玲
The Fruits Stories in the Buddhism has undergone changes into three meanings. The first one is its original meaning-analytics teachings or in the asking and answering way to explain teachings, the second meant the prophecies or the changes and the results that decent Buddha have made, and the last meant the fruits of Buddhism or the predictions when students become Buddha what names would give to them? There are many records about“The Fruits of Buddhism”in Chinese translated editions' Buddhism. The Fruits story of“Zhuang Ji Bai Yuan Jiang”(The Sutra of Collected Occasions)translated by Wu Zhi Chien contains three types of contents-fruits of Buddha, fruits of Pratyeka-Buddha 〈one who seeks enlightenment for himself, defined in the Lotus sutra as a believer who is diligent and zealous in seeking wisdom 〉and fruits how Buddha has been respected in the past. Whether these three contains different philosophies in the different periods and what are their functions? They are worth to take into discussions. The text would like to discuss the topic about the fruits stories of“Zhuang Ji Bai Yuan Jiang”(The Sutra of Collected Occasions)and takes it into four parts. First is to clarify the definitions of“Fruits”, the second is to analyze the forms of fruits stories from the point of nowadays' fruits view to examine future and past fruits stories and the last is to discuss the contents of the fruits stories. I will emphasizes the values of“Zhuang Ji Bai Yuan Jiang”(The Sutra of Collected Occasions)form the points of religion and literature. I will do the research about philosophies of the fruits stories in my next topic of paper.
起訖頁 83-110
關鍵詞 《撰集百緣經》發願授記成佛辟支佛“Zhuang Ji Bai Yuan Jiang”(The Sutra of Collected Occasions)One's merits to othersthe fruits of Buddhato become a BuddhaPratyeka-Buddha〈one who seeks enlightenment for himselfdefined in the Lotus sutra as a believer who is diligent and zealous in seeking wisdom 〉
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200507 (3期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 除心不除境,真性自若——論屠隆《清言》中淡適的生命情境
該期刊-下一篇 從「詩文學聯邦」到「詩文學邦聯」:論80至90年代新詩社群的結構與思維




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