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On the Principal’s Ownership of Directly Obtaining the Subject in Transactions
作者 崔建遠
在顯名代理關係中,買賣合同系被代理人和出賣人的合意,被代理人不但承受買賣合同項下的債權債務,而且直接取得買賣物的所有權,代理人對買賣物為佔有輔助或媒介佔有關係。無論買賣物為動產抑或不動產,這一結論都不改變。隱名代理動產買賣在適用《民法典》第925 條時,其法律效果與顯名代理動產買賣相同,即由借名人直接取得買賣物的所有權;若適用《民法典》第926 條的規定,當出名人披露、借名人行使介入權且出賣人選擇借名人承受動產買賣合同項下的法律效果時,則借名人直接取得買賣物的所有權。對於隱名代理不動產買賣,有權處分說認為出名人取得不動產所有權,無權處分說則主張借名人直接取得不動產所有權,其路徑有三:第一,把不動產物權登記在出名人名下的現象視作登記錯誤,在出名人和借名人的內部關係中,將不動產物權歸屬於借名人;第二,把為借名人的利益承受房屋登記的出名人看成“借名人方面的人”,即“取得媒介人”,出賣人向其辦理不動產轉移登記等於向借名人轉移登記;第三,區分內部與外部關系,在外部關係中,出名人依不動產物權登記成為不動產物權人,而在內部關係中,借名人徑直取得不動產物權。由於借名購房處於代理關係的架構中,故借名購房合同應被視為借名人與出賣人之間的合意,由借名人直接承受相應的權利義務。
In a named agency relationship, the sales contract is the agreement between the principal and the seller. The principal not only assumes the rights and obligations under the sales contract, but also directly obtains ownership of the subject in transactions. The agent serves as an auxiliary or intermediary possession of the subject in transactions. Whether the subject in transactions is movable or immovable, this conclusion remains unchanged. When applying the Article 925 of the Civil Code to the purchase and sale of movable property through anonymous agency, the legal effect is the same as that of the purchase and sale of movable property through anonymous agency, where the borrower directly obtains ownership of the purchased property; According to Article 926 of the Civil Code, when the name owner discloses, the borrower exercises the right of intervention, or the seller chooses the borrower to assume the legal effect under the movable property purchase and sale contract, the borrower directly obtains ownership of the subject in transactions. The theory of having the right to dispose of real estate through anonymous agents claims that the name owner has acquired ownership of the real estate, while the theory of having no right to dispose claims that the borrower directly obtains ownership of the real estate, or that the phenomenon of real estate rights being registered under the name of the name owner is considered a registration error. In the internal relationship between the issuer and the borrower, real estate rights belong to the borrower; Or consider the name owner who bears the registration of the house for the benefit of the borrower as a“person on the borrower􀆶s side”, that is, a“intermediary”, and the seller􀆶s transfer of registration to it is equivalent to transferring registration to the borrower; Or to distinguish between internal and external relationships, in external relationships, the name owner is registered as a real estate owner based on real estate property rights; In internal relationships, borrowers directly acquire real estate rights. Due to the fact that buying a house under a borrowed name is within the framework of an agency relationship, the contract for buying a house under a borrowed name is considered as a consensus between the borrower and the seller.
起訖頁 20-39
關鍵詞 顯名代理隱名代理借名人出名人買賣物所有權named agencyanonymous agencyname borrowername ownerownership of the subject in transaction
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202403 (2024:2期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 從實質刑法典到形式刑法典:刑法的進階之路
該期刊-下一篇 能動司法背景下城區人民法庭參與訴源治理的邏輯與進路──以新時代人民法庭建設的“花鄉做法”為中心




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