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Rethinking“Extracting Common Factors”: On the Construction of the General Part of a Code
作者 張峰銘
The“extracting common factors”method unilaterally emphasizes the dependence of the content of the general part on the current practice of an area of law, ignores the systematic, pluralistic and ideal characteristics of the content of the general part, and is therefore problematic. The general part of a code is essentially an interpretive theory about the current practice of an area of law, intending to construct the unique form of practice implied by the area of law and its intrinsic value purpose. The general part of a code contains two parts: regulatory content to provide guidance and constraints for the legislative and judicial application of legal officials, and operational content to cooperate with the content of the special part as the basis for adjudicating and evaluating citizens’behavior. The formulation of the general part should adopt the method of constructive interpretation, first attributing a matching and morally best intrinsic value purpose to the current practice of an area of law as the core of the regulatory content, and then determining the basic conceptual framework of the operational content according to the intrinsic value, and determining the specific meaning of the operational content in combination with other social values and the value of rule of law that the legislator is trying to implement.
起訖頁 193-208
關鍵詞 法典總則提取公因式部門法內在價值解釋性理論建構性解釋General Part of a CodeExtracting Common FactorsIntrinsic Value of an Area of LawInterpretive TheoryConstructive Interpretation
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202401 (2024:1期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 中國民法語境下“合同效力”的層次性




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