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Limited Application of Legal Act Norms to Status Acts
作者 劉征峰
The construction of status acts relies on the framework of abstract legal acts centered on the declaration of will, and the so-called factual priority cannot be used to override the autonomy of will. Even in the absence of explicit provisions in family law, there are issues regarding the formation and validity of status acts. The generalized description of the application model based on the distinction between pure status acts and status-property acts is of limited significance. Even for status-property acts, legal act norm cannot be applied ipso facto, but must be examined individually, taking into account the nature of specific act and the state of interests of the legal act norms involved. In the specific examination of norm application, the legislative policy decisions should be considered first, and then the essential nature of different status acts. Restricting the application of legal act norms often implies limiting the autonomy of the parties, behind which there are often special considerations of maintaining the stability of family relations and the public interests of society.
起訖頁 33-47
關鍵詞 身份行為法律行為事物本質法律適用意思自治status actlegal actsessence of thingsapplication of lawautonomy of parties
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202401 (2024:1期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 “糾紛治理”與“糾紛解決”:差異、共生與照應
該期刊-下一篇 再論行政處罰決定公開:性質、邏輯與方式




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