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A scoping review of academic learning environment in Taiwan’s sports talent classes: An ecological systems approach
作者 黃雅雯
The longstanding emphasis on specialized training in Taiwan's sports talent classes has drawn controversy, as it restricts students' time for academic engagement and career exploration. Employing Ecological Systems Theory, this study conducts a scoping review of academic discussions and influencing factors related to the learning experiences of sports talent class students in Taiwan. 25 relevant papers were identified through a search in the National Taiwan Normal University Library's Discovery Service using the term 'sports talent class.' In the macrosystem, prevailing societal values prioritize academic achievement, alongside pervasive stereotypes regarding athletes. In the exosystem, factors such as government policies, school resources and administrations contribute to the challenges faced by students. Within the mesosystem, conflicts arise from scheduling disparities between academic and sports training, requiring teacher adaptations and adjustments to curriculum planning. Lastly, the microsystem highlights the pivotal roles played by peers, teachers, coaches, and family members in shaping students' learning journeys. The results reveal that sports talent class students are indeed disadvantaged within the Taiwanese education system, suggesting that future efforts could draw inspiration from research on disadvantaged groups. In practice, it is recommended that relevant authorities should formulate guidelines for students with a 'dual identity' as both athletes and students, ensuring the entire ecosystem serves as the optimal support system for sports talent class students.
起訖頁 15-33
關鍵詞 體育班學科學習學習環境生態系統理論範域文獻回顧sports talent classacademic learninglearning environmentecological systems theoryscoping review
刊名 中華體育季刊  
期數 202403 (38:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 以學科內容及語言整合學習(CLIL)取向探討體育教學中第二語言的目標語言提取與教學方法
該期刊-下一篇 GRADE方法:體育與運動科學領域中系統性回顧之證據可信度和建議強度的評估工具




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