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Developing language materials for a CLIL-approach physical education course for second language learners in Taiwan
作者 鄭子翊吳國誠劉述懿
本研究探討在臺灣雙語教育中內容與語言整合學習(CLIL)取向的應用,特別著重在國小雙語體育教學中情境和學科中的應用以及第二語言學習(英語),透過語言分析,考量體育課程中的專業知識、技能與動作發展的特性,連結語言學習與體育學科能力發展的目標。本文提出在雙語體育課程教學中,分析語言的重要性,文章首先回顧Cummins的學科教學會使用的基本溝通語言能力(BICS)和認知與學術語言能力(CALP)在學科教學中語言使用的面向,了解在特定科目中所使用的學術語言(academic language)相對較艱深且難於應用於生活中,因此在雙語學科教學中可考量的語言三層模型(three-tier model)和體育科教學中常使用的語體類型(genre map),來降低語言學習負擔,並且連結體育學科特性來深化第二語言學習的效益。在語言三層模型中,單字的運用分類為,基本單字(basic words)、高使用頻率且跨學科使用單字(high-frequency words and across domains)與低使用頻率且特定學科語言單字(low-frequency and domain and area-specific),在雙語教學發展階段,教師可選擇高頻率且跨學科使用單字來連結語言學習,跨學科應用與鷹架(scaffolding)重複運用,來降低認知負荷(cognitive load),達到延遲的學習效益;如遇學科語言單字的低頻率且特定學科語言單字時,可思考語體類型來連結語用情境的句型,在教學活動中交流互動及使用,所設定之句型亦得以在生活情境應用,透過語言三層模型,擇定適合學生能力之目標單字與句型,增進跨領域整合學習之目標。本文亦分析體育課程中常用的句型和互動語言,思考新課綱健體領域中不同學習階段的學習重點來萃取目標學習語言-關鍵字詞和關鍵句型(key-words and key-sentence patterns),提出體育課程中常用的句型-祈使句以及互動句,在發展活動中透過任務取向(task-based approach)以讓雙語體育教育中整合應用,考量學習者為中心,提供情境化的社交互動及合作等課程活動,有效且增強學生做中學的實踐學習,來提取主題活動與語言連結,落實語言發展在交流中實現。在不同的體育主題可思考操作活動、動作、器具和規則與語言的相互連結,簡化、聚焦目標語言學習來深化語言學習效益,實踐語言學習與體育學科能力發展的雙重目標。
This study explores the application of a Content-Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) approach in bilingual education in Taiwan, with a particular focus on the application in various contexts and subjects in elementary school physical education. It also examines the use of the English language, and further considers the specialization in the physical education curriculum. This paper highlights the use of these pedagogical tools as a support in the specific knowledge and skills in PE using English in CLIL approach. For this purpose, we first review the literature on Cummins' binary construct of BICS and CALP. Next, the three-tier model and the genre map are explored in the bilingual physical education curriculum, and the key words and sentence patterns are extracted by considering the key learning focus of different learning phases in the new curriculum of physical education. Subsequent discussions focus on the integration of task-based methods with extended CLIL methodology in PE. This paper proposes ways to blend these three elements (Task-based, Physical Education, CLIL) and show the advantages of integrating them into each educational scenario. In conclusion, extracted English key-words and key-sentence patterns using task-based approach may be a successful way to overcome difficulties and improve PE teaching and learning practices with the CLIL approach.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 雙語教學學科與語言整合學習任務導向target languagetask-basedbilingual education
刊名 中華體育季刊  
期數 202403 (38:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-下一篇 以生態系統理論談臺灣體育班學生在體育班制度下的學科學習環境:範域文獻回顧




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