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Species Composition and Structure of the Lowland Subtropical Rainforest at Lanjenchi, Southern Taiwan
作者 趙偉村 (Wei-Chun Chao)趙國容 (Kuo-Jung Chao)宋國彰 (Guo-Zhang M. Song)謝長富 (Chang-Fu Hsieh)
The forest in Lanjenchi is a remnant patch of subtropical rainforests in southern Taiwan. In 1998, the previous Lanjenchi plot was enlarged from 3 ha to 5.88 ha in order to include more topographical variation and understand how the gradient of wind stress controls forest structure and species composition. All free-standing woody plants in these plots with diameter ≥ 1 cm were identified, measured, tagged and mapped. A total of 60,146 individuals belonging to 136 vascular tree species in 83 genera and 42 families was recorded. Families with the largest cumulative basal areas were Fagaceae, Theaceae, Araliaceae, Aquifollaceae, Lauraceae and Illiciaceae. The size-class distribution of all species showed that most species were in good recruitment patterns with the most stems in small size classes. The results of two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classified the sampling plots into four forest and habitat types: 1. Rhaphiolepis indica var. hiiranensis - Illicium arborescens (Windward I) type; 2. Cinnamomum brevipedunculatum - Illicium arborescens (Windward II) type; 3. Sloanea formosana - Ilex cochinchinensis (Leeward) type; and 4. Glycosmis citrifolia - Helicia formosana (Creek) type. The forest composition changes formed a sequence on the topographic gradient from the most exposed windward ridges and north-east-facing slopes to more sheltered leeward footslopes and creeks. Further studies using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) confirmed the results of TWINSPAN, and showed the important roles of the topographic variables in the distribution of most tree species.
起訖頁 253-269
關鍵詞 降趨對應分析法雙向指標種分析法森林結構季風臺灣南仁山物種植物組成Nanjenshan forest dynamics plotDCAforest structuremonsoonTaiwantree species compositionspecies distribution patternTWINSPAN
期數 200709 (52:3期)
出版單位 臺灣大學生命科學院;台灣生物多樣性協會
該期刊-上一篇 提議修改維也納版國際命名法規53.3條款例證9 .
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣新歸化牻牛兒苗科植物——小花牻牛兒苗




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