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A Preliminary Rumor Analysis Study about Taiwan Covid-19 pandemic from the Perspective of Legend Study
作者 許家真
The study of legends in the contemporary age must adjust and expand itself according to contemporary contexts; its field also has to encompass new media, like social network service (SNS). Since the 1970s, folklorists in the west have included "legend-like" rumors into their spectrum of studies, and have viewed them as an expresion of human thoughts, feeling and life, whose practicability and dynamic can provide new perspective and ideas for rumor study, making it more worldly.
How could pandemic rumors be analysed in viewpoint of the study of legends? Using several rumors spread during the pandemic in Taiwan as texts, this paper attempts to utilize the methodology and path of legend research to observe the pandemic-related rumors produced in the process of social interaction under the extraordinary social context of the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper also aims to analyze the collective identity and concrete content of rumor texts, as well as the stereotypes, narrative patterns, processes and factors of transmission and mutation of rumors related to the pandemic, including the factors that cause them to disappear/reappear, and furthurmore, to propose possible discussions of the collective identity, belief, and the metaphors of culture contained in rumor texts.
起訖頁 99-125
關鍵詞 謠言當代傳說疫情套語箭垛式人物RumorContemporary LegendPandemicFormulaArchery Target Style Character
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 安民與遣送疫情下的臺灣民俗與信仰──以驅瘟與代巡儀式為觀察核心
該期刊-下一篇 道脈延伸――明代蔡清《四書蒙引》道統觀考察




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