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The Comparison of Thermal Properties of Subtropical Heat Islands at Different Urban landscape Scales by Deep Learning
作者 蔡欣樺 (S. H. Tsai)
Different urban patterns create different urban landscapes, and urban landscapes would further affect the distribution of thermal environments above different urban landscape scales. This study compares the characteristics of heat islands at different urban scales with big data under different meteorological factors. The study integrates ground and vertical-sounding data from the data band for atmospheric & hydrologic research. It uses deep learning algorithms to summarize the urban patterns at different scales. By understanding the heat distribution patterns of three-dimensional structures, to compare metropolitan and small towns in urban heat island structures and comfort.
The deep learning algorithm proves that the difference between the scale and type of urban landscape affects the thermal environment to the vertical structure, and the cloudiness and wind speed will have different comfort relief effects in different urban types and seasons. The research corrected the temperature vertical lapse rate to decrease by 0.6°C for every 100m increase. Banqiao decreased by 0.54°C in summer, and Hualien decreased by 0.53°C. In winter, it was corrected to reduce by 0.43°C in Banqiao and Hualien by 0.42°C.
The results show that the slope of the temperature deviation from the theoretical value is greater in winter than in summer, indicating that the heat island phenomenon in winter is more significant; The wind speed in Hualien is higher than that in Banqiao, so Hualien with a lower degree of urbanization has an advantage in relieving urban heat; cloudy days with high cloudiness can block solar radiation in summer, especially in Hualien, a small town. When the cloudiness is high in winter, the radiant heat is absorbed by the clouds and reflects the radiant heat from the ground, and the heat accumulates under the atmospheric clouds, which makes it easier to heat the ground. Therefore, the high cloud cover will alleviate the cold discomfort, which shows that the small town of Hualien is more significantly sensitive to cloudiness factors than Banqiao.
起訖頁 37-52
關鍵詞 都市景觀尺度垂直結構氣溫垂直遞減率氣象因子舒適度UHIUrban ScaleVertical StructureAir Temperature Lapse RateMeteorological FactorsThermal Comfort
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 202312 (28期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 灰色理論預測台灣辦公大樓租戶和公共區域修繕時間




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