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Utilizing Grey Theory for Predicting Maintenance Hours for Office Building Tenants and Public Areas in Taiwan
作者 嚴佳茹 (Chia-Ju Yen)鄭定睿
This study focused on case office buildings and investigated the responsive repair requests for facilities and equipment in offices and public areas using gray theory. The purpose was to provide valuable insights for future office building owners, executive managers, property management companies, and mechanical and electrical companies in making decisions and assessing forecast models. The key findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1. Grey Relational Analysis examined the importance of facilities repair in six categories: power systems, building systems, water systems, air conditioning systems, fire systems, and manpower dispatch. The order of importance for facilities maintenance was identified as follows: power systems, building systems, water supply systems, air conditioning systems, manpower dispatch, and firefighting systems.
2. By employing the GM (1, N) and regression methods, this study utilized maintenance hours as the dependent variable and repair number, leased area, and number of tenants as independent variables. It conducted monthly forecasts based on 12 data points from January to December specific on year Four. The verification results demonstrated that the GM (1, N) method had a mean absolute error of 6.41% and an average accuracy of 93.59%, while the regression model had a mean absolute error of 4.66% and an average accuracy of 95.34%. These findings indicate that both methods possess a high level of accuracy in forecasting.
起訖頁 17-35
關鍵詞 灰色理論預測模型台北101辦公室物業管理設施設備Grey TheoryForecast ModelTaipei 101Office BuildingsProperty ManagementFacilities and Equipment
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 202312 (28期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 都市地區應用無人機攝影產生高解析度正射熱影像的方法
該期刊-下一篇 以深度學習模型探討亞熱帶不同都市景觀尺度之熱島特性比較




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