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Strategic and Altruistic Corporate Environmental Responsibility in a Green Market
作者 蔡宗秀邱俊榮
We investigate the impact of firms’strategic and altruistic corporate environmental responsibility (CER) engagement on a covered market where consumers care about green quality. Define a firm as engaging in strategic (altruistic) CER if it executes voluntary environmental actions by seeking profit maximization (both profit maximization and environmental damage minimization). In a duopoly vertical product differentiation model, we find that when firms engage in pure strategic or sparsely altruistic CER, only the greener firm invests in green quality. The environment is less protected because both firms’optimal green quality levels are below the social optimum. When firms’aggregate altruistic CER engagement rises to a certain level, the less green firm also invests in green quality. The environment is may be over-protected when the firms’optimal green quality levels are above the social optimum. Interestingly, the profit of the less green firm rises with its altruistic CER, which implies that embracing environmental concerns does not sacrifice its profit. Finally, when firms engage in CER, social welfare in the market equilibrium is unambiguously lower than the social optimum.
起訖頁 37-69
關鍵詞 企業環境責任利他主義綠色消費者垂直差異化模型Corporate environmental responsibilityAltruismGreen consumersVertical product differentiation
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 202403 (52:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-上一篇 購併或助併?使用互補要素的Cournot寡占市場的垂直整併分析
該期刊-下一篇 混合市場結構、市場集中與福利




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