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To Merge or to Help Related Firms Merge? Vertical Mergers in Cournot Oligopolies with Complementary Inputs
作者 溫偉任李文傑 (Wen-Chieh Lee)陳畊嘉
Consider a successive oligopoly where the production of a final good requires two complementary inputs: one essential input produced by a sole supplier and one generic input produced by oligopolistic suppliers. We compare the profitability of two strategies for the essential input supplier: one is to help related firms merge vertically; the other is to acquire a downstream firm itself. We show that it is in the interest of the essential input supplier to subsidize a fraction of firms in the market to merge vertically when there are few related firms, as these subsidized mergers can trigger further vertical mergers and lead to the maximum number of pairwise vertical mergers whereby the monopolistic supplier can grasp the bulk of the efficiency gains stemming from eliminating double marginalization. In contrast, it is more profitable for the essential input supplier to acquire a downstream firm and foreclose other downstream competitors when the number of related firms is large, as the subsidization required by the first strategy grows with the number of the related firms.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 互補要素連續Cournot寡占垂直結合Complementary inputsSuccessive Cournot oligopolyVertical merger
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 202403 (52:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-下一篇 策略型及利他型的企業環境責任在綠色市場的表現




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