英文摘要 |
This paper aims to reinterpret the historical writing of Shi Wen-Qi's The sorrowful history of Taiwanese woman. Although scholars have pointed out the obvious correspondence of the characters in the novel, the rewriting of historical facts has not been described in detail. This paper observes how Shi Wen-Qi wrote Taiwan in 1894 through the intertextual reading of the novel and history. We further propose an interpretation of ''cyclical view of history on grief''. There was only a cycle of grief reading The sorrowful history of Taiwanese woman, but the readers could not find the independence of Taiwanese, until this issue of the Taiwan Minpao was banned from being published in Taiwan, Shi Wen-Qi specially wrote It’s my fault, reminding Taiwanese not to ''be quiet'', and appealed to readers to gather awareness: '' Inspire the culture of our island, revive the vitality of our companions, and seek the happiness of Taiwan ''. That was what he wrote the novel to place his realistic concerns on historical writing. All in all, Shi Wen-Qi was concerned about how to turn Taiwan's ''grief'' into power, and used it as an important guide for cultural enlightenment. |