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A New University Unit Under the Internationalization of Higher Education: Exploring the Rise and Development of International Colleges in Taiwanese Universities
作者 周宛青 (W. Emily Chow)
The internationalization of higher education (IHE) has become one of the most important goals in higher education in today’s world. In recent years, many universities in Taiwan have broken away from traditional professional-oriented academic classification and established a new unit called the“International College (IC).'' These ICs share a common focus on recruiting external students and offering EMI courses. Whereas ICs share some similarities, they also have unique characteristics. There is yet systematic research on this emerging unit. This article makes a preliminary exploration of the development of ICs in Taiwanese universities and their strategies for implementing IHE. It is found that the integrated features in most ICs are positive to systematic IHE. ICs also have good results in“coming in”and“going out”, but need to strengthen the richness of“internationalization at home”. Suggestions include incorporating global competence into IC core values; planning USR to contribute to the society; setting knowledge diplomacy as a long-term goal, and strengthening international cooperation. Moreover, higher education institutions should regard ICs as prototypes for driving institutional internationalization. These suggestions aim to stimulate further discussion and reflect on the potential of ICs in the process of IHE.
起訖頁 115-137
關鍵詞 高等教育國際化國際學院全英語授課EMI)大學組織internationalization of higher educationEnglish-Medium Instruction (EMI)international collegeuniversity organizations
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202401 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 從五十年來的高教論述體察我國大學自主思考功能
該期刊-下一篇 再議高教國際化下大學華語學分課程的目標、類型與功能




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