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The Effect of Marschak Interaction Method (MIM) in Parenting Consultation
作者 何美雪方惠生
實務與研究皆肯定與兒童重要他人的合作是兒童輔導者很重要的工作內涵,但家長諮詢卻也是兒童輔導工作者常見的困難之一。遊戲治療背景的研究者想藉由結構化遊戲評估增進家長諮詢工作的效能,因此,本研究旨在探究運用馬謝克親子互動法(Marschak Interaction Method)於個別家長諮詢中對家長親職角色的影響。研究對象是四位有親職困擾的國小學童母親。研究者在家長諮詢前後進行親子互動錄影,做為家長諮詢中的討論素材,並針對影片進行質化共識分析,以了解家長在諮詢前後的親職角色轉變;另外以半結構式深度訪談,以了解求詢者在諮詢過程中對自我親職的改變經驗,並以主題分析法將訪談內容意義化。研究結果顯示透過馬謝克親子互動法進行諮詢,求詢者在參與、結構、挑戰與撫育四個向度上都有不同程度的正向提升。求詢者改變歷程中的重要經驗有:遊戲體驗活動中的自我察覺、求詢者的自我接納、求詢者自我效能提升、諮詢經驗外化於家庭系統、諮詢者觀察後具體的回饋、諮詢關係中的相互信任。
This study aims to explore the influence of parenting role in individual consultation by utilizing Marschak Interaction Method(MIM). The participants included 4 mothers of elementary-school-child bothered by parent-child relationship. The before and after MIM consultation is filmed and become the contents for discussion and carried out qualitative consensus analysis regarding the film to understand the transformation of the parental role before and after the consultation. Furthermore, the researcher used semi-structured interview to understand the participants' experiences of the transformation of parental role during the consultancy, generalizing the pattern of consultation with content analysis. The research outcome suggests that by MIM, the participants' engagement, structure, challenge, and nurture of level all went up by various degrees. Through the transforming process, the significant experiences included self-awareness during the gaming experiencing activities, the consultees' selfacceptance, the improvement of self-performance, expanding the experience of consultation to the family system, the specific feedback of the consultant, and the mutual trust in the consultative relationship.
起訖頁 71-97
關鍵詞 馬謝克親子互動法家長諮詢遊戲評估Marschak Interaction Methodparent consultationplay assessment
刊名 台灣遊戲治療學報  
期數 201912 (8期)
出版單位 台灣遊戲治療學會
該期刊-上一篇 結構式遊戲治療對內向性問題兒童介入之個案研究




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