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Task Analysis of Tarot Skills Merged with Adlerian Theory and Applied to Teenager Interpersonal Problems
作者 黃俊翰連廷嘉林俊德 (Jiun-De Lin)
We constructed a consultation pattern and applied it to teenager interpersonal problems by using tarot skills merged with Adlerian theory and research in a counselling sessions regarding events and changes in teenager interpersonal problems to clarify the significance of tarot skills through task analysis. This research included 3 clients who sought counselling approximately 6 ~ 9 times. We collected the tarot card pictures and recorded the dialogue of each counselling sessions to analyse a junior high school in Taoyuan City. The major findings of this study were: 1. using tarot skills merged with Adlerian theory helped clients overcome their interpersonal problems with classmates and enhanced their relationships; 2. the consultation pattern comprised 9 events and 3 event groups; 3. Events 1 to 9 included the following: (a) the client's selected card narrates the life story to analyse the lifestyle; (b) the client used a blind deck to explore individual life tasks; (c) the counselling psychologists explored family interpersonal relationships and those with other people according to the pattern; (d) the client extracted tarot cards and recalled childhood memories with counselling psychologists to discuss how interpersonal problems originated; (e) the client used the time desk clock to understand private logical promotion insights; (f) the client clearly recognised the actual situation and improved interpersonal conflicts; (g) the client may make behavioural changes according to the choice desk the enhancement and pours into the hope; (h) interpersonal experience results in adjustment; (i) interpersonal to grow up experience positive. The 3 categories included exploration, reorientation, and adjustment. We analysed the transformation processes of interpersonal relationships. The 6 stages included “the interpersonal problem experience,” “the exploration and appraisal of possible reasons,” “insights for comprehending the present situation,” “studying new approaches with the method,” “realistic environment interaction and adjustment,” and “achieving change.”
起訖頁 67-91
關鍵詞 塔羅技術阿德勒學派任務分析人際困擾青少年諮商tarot skillsAdlerian theorytask analysisinterpersonal problemsteenager counselling
刊名 台灣遊戲治療學報  
期數 201312 (3期)
出版單位 台灣遊戲治療學會
該期刊-上一篇 單親母親參與親子遊戲治療團體對其親子關係改變之研究
該期刊-下一篇 親子遊戲治療對婚暴目睹兒童及其受暴母親親子互動行為處遇成效之分析研究




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