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Research on the Instructional Leadership of Elementary School Principals–Implementing Sharing Reading in Preschool as an Example
作者 陳桂蘭
The purpose of the principal's instructional leadership is to enhance teachers' teaching effect and students' learning effect. This research aimed to explore how the principal of the preschool affiliated to elementary school planned, implemented, and reflected on the leadership of reading teaching in preschool. Moreover, this research investigated how the principal motivated preschool teachers to practice reading teaching in class and examined teachers' teaching effect. This research adopted the action research method by analyzing literature, facilitating thematic instruction in the preschool affiliated to the elementary school where the researcher serves, and conducting instructional leadership by shared reading. The preschool teachers provided picture books that were suitable for preschoolers, and the researcher designed lesson plans for team teaching. The result of this study showed that the principal’s participation in the curriculum of instructional leadership not only improving teachers' reading teaching skills but also triggering teachers to initiate extended reading teaching. Besides, students were able to apply what they learned from picture books in life situations. They were able to imitate the principal’s facial expressions and correct behaviors during reading. Like the parents, they would send their children to school on time of their own accord to join the shared reading lessons. This study proposed a three-stage feasible strategy for planning, implementing, and evaluating the preschool instructional leadership of elementary school principals. This study evaluated preschool teachers reading teaching knowledge and provided suggestions on instructional leadership of shared reading.
起訖頁 228-249
關鍵詞 教學領導幼兒閱讀理解分享閱讀Instructional leadershipChildren's reading comprehensionShared reading
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202103 (10:3期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 桌上遊戲融入國小六年級金融教育課程之個案研究




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