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Based on needs assessment and using curriculum assessment to discuss the planning of customs broker-based education curriculum
作者 楊俊彥
最後,探討案例中報關業中小企業課程規劃的需求評估進行過程與結果檢視,輔以IPA(Important-Performance Analysis)重要性與成效分析法,繪製IPA圖,解讀並提出建議方案。在本研究案例中,發現評鑑向度中項目「能解決報關問題的能力」,具有理想與現實差距最大的特徵,且雙方利益關係人的IPA分析結果顯示該項目皆屬於最需加強(高重要性低成效),若以此項目作為報關行本位課程優先規劃與改進之考量,預期可達到減少資源浪費,讓人才訓練活動具有成本效益。
The purpose of this study is to explore how to use school-based curriculum evaluation item and needs assessment models. To help small and medium-sized companies complete successfully their on-the-job training goals for employees in planning education courses process. So that employees can achieve the overall company with the promotion of personal professional growth and the purpose of improving competitiveness.
First, we discuss the implications of the needs assessment model, and the development process of school-based curriculum evaluation. Then, we summary the evaluation item that can be used for customs broker-based courses as a questionnaire for the needs assessment method to investigate the gap between reality and ideal. The questionnaire objects were divided into supervisor group and employee group according to the needs assessment.
Finally, it discusses the review of the process and results of the course needs assessment in the case, supplemented by IPA (Important-Performance Analysis). In this case study, it was found that the results the item of the learning performance of the evaluation “ can solve the problem of customs declaration”, has the characteristics of the greatest gap between ideal and reality, and meets the common needs of stakeholders. This item is a priority development for customs-oriented courses in planning and improvement considerations. It will be expected to maximize the benefits of the company's education curriculum.
起訖頁 129-154
關鍵詞 需求評估學校本位課程評鑑指標IPA報關行本位教育課程規劃Needs AssessmentSchool-based Curriculum Evaluation ItemIPACustoms broker-based Curriculum Planning
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202005 (9:5期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 幼兒園生活教育的實施問題與解決策略




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