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Putting Ideals into Practice in an Experimental Education School: A Parent Becomes a Principal
作者 李沛恩白慧娟
With the passage of the Three Laws of Experimental Education in Taiwan, it provides legal basis for those who intend to establish experimental education, and the experimental education in Taiwan is flourishing day by day. This study is qualitative research, using semi-structured interviews with the founder of a non-school experimental educational institution in Taiwan. Learn deeply about the founder’s mental journey as a parent of experimental education at the beginning, and later decide to establish an experimental educational institution by himself, explore the reasons for the establishment of the school, as well as the change of mood from the parents to the school founder and the motivation to continue running the school. The research found that when the founder was studying and practicing abroad, he felt the gap with domestic traditional education. Coupled with his love for art, the idea of cultivating Taiwanese art talents began to germinate, and the seeds of running a school were planted in his heart. Later, for the education of her daughter, she decided to establish an experimental school with her husband. From parent to school founder, although the role has changed, when making decisions, I will still think from the perspective of parents, observe, and understand the real needs of children. Rekindling the interest in learning among out-ofschool children is the biggest motivation for the founder to continue running the school, and it is also his mission for Taiwan's experimental education.
起訖頁 93-115
關鍵詞 另類教育非學校型態實驗教育實驗教育實驗學校alternative educationnon-school-based experimental educationexperimental educationexperimental schools
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202311 (50期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 跨領域課程探究教師領導理念、實施、與啟示──以一所國中【島嶼記憶】課程發展歷程為例




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