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Exploring the Concept, Implementation, and Enlightenment of Teacher Leadership Through Interdisciplinary Curriculum—Take the Development Process of the Course [Memory of the Island] in a Junior High School as an Example
作者 廖玉枝
Teachers' sufficient professional competence, willingness to undertake leadership roles, being dedicated to professional development, and supporting positive school development and classroom progress are critical elements for the success of schools and curriculum implementation. This study examines the impact of teacher leadership and its interrelationships in the context of a public junior high school's interdisciplinary curriculum practice, based on the embedded logic of teacher leadership by Murphy (2005), which includes three phases: professional expertise, school health, and classroom and school progress. The study also presents insights on teacher leadership for current school leadership. Findings of the research are as follows: 1. Teacher leadership enhances ownership and expertise through authorization in the curriculum development. 2. Teachers' self-commitment to improve curriculum efficiency and identity fosters expectations for teacher profession. 3. Teacher leadership promotes learning communities, driving continuous improvement in the school's curriculum. 4. Teacher leadership encourages collaboration between administrative bureaucracy and curriculum leadership, strengthening the school's organization and operations. 5. Teacher leadership makes school progress and lead to positive community changes. 6. Teacher leadership promotes classroom progress, improve student learning, and gains significant parental recognition. 7. External professional training and incentive mechanisms act as catalysts for the interaction of teacher leadership in the case study school. The first six findings are within the scope of the three phases of the embedded logic, while the last one represents external influence that serve as catalysts for teacher leadership and can offer valuable enlightenment for school leadership.
起訖頁 63-92
關鍵詞 教師領導領導理論學校領導teacher leadershipleadership theoryschool leadership
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202311 (50期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 從協作治理觀點探討「素養教育課程設計及發展計畫」之推動
該期刊-下一篇 實驗教育理想的實踐:一位家長成為校長的歷程探究




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