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Being Empowered After Being Helped?: Assisted Experiences of Employed Youth and Families Supported by TFCF
作者 林晉賢賴紅汝黃筱珊周大堯
The positive outcome of service provision has been the aim of the social work intervention. In the area of child and youth services, in particular, it is expected that the child or youth being assisted can be independent and move on towards their life. This study therefore aims to understand the perceived experience of being assisted from youth and their family who were assisted by Taiwan Fund of Children and Family (TFCF), one of the renowned NGOs who serve economically-disadvantaged children and youth in Taiwan. Through in-depth interviews, for this research, narratives from 20 youths and five carers who were once service recipients of the TFCF were collected. The findings of this research indicate that these interviewees could very much perceive changes in their lives owing to the impact of being supported by the TFCF. In particular, they reported being financial and emotional support from its workers as well as participating various empowerment programs when experiencing difficulties. They also reported that youth workers from TFCF also adopt an empowerment approach by combining the professional skills and the resources along with the programs from TFCF, the youth and their families could mostly be economically-independent and gradually reintegrated back into society. The study findings imply that children and youth workers should not only focus on the financial needs of these children and youth, but also, the types or dimensions of empowerment approach they can provide. By so doing, the positive social impact could persist even after the end of the service provision.
起訖頁 21-68
關鍵詞 經濟弱勢兒少充權家扶受扶經驗Economically-Disadvantaged Children and YouthEmpowermentTFCFPerceived Experience of Being Assisted
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202306 (19:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 中國內地社會企業發展與現狀分析
該期刊-下一篇 具有公部門特質的社會企業──非營利幼兒園的經驗分析與理論意涵




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