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The Analysis of WISC─III Scores and Basic Academic Performance of the Students with ADHD with Coexisting Learning Problems |
作者 |
胡永崇 (Hu, Yung-Chung) |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在分析國民中小學伴隨學習問題之注意力缺陷過動症(ADHD)學生的WISC─III及基本學業測驗表現。受試者為高雄市具有醫院開立診斷證明之ADHD學生42人。主要研究結果如下:\r1. 就全體ADHD學生而言,各項WISC─III智商之平均數如下:全量表為87.90,語文量表為88.38,作業量表 90.40,語文理解因素為90.40,知覺組織因素為94.10,專心注意因素 85.10,處理速度因素為84.38。約80%之受試者,其三項量表智商皆等於或小於100。\r2. 逐歩迴歸分析顯示,常識分測驗是預測「認字」測驗表現最有效之變項,專心注意與處理速度等二項因素智商,則為預測閱讀理解及多項數學基礎數學概念評量之測驗表現,最有效之變項。3. 因素分析顯示,WISC─III之13個分測驗抽得語文能力、知覺組織、工作記憶等三項因素,三項因素共可解釋62.51%累積變異量。4. 點二系列相關分析顯示,是否為ADHD與受試者之專心注意與處理速度等二項因素智商皆無明顯相關,且相關係數甚低。5. 智商間之差距,ACID,SCAD,PIO─SCAD,WDI Index,and Bannatyne Type等各種WISC─III組型之診斷應用,可能遺漏過多之ADHA,或診斷出過多的ADHD。各種組型對於非ADHD是否伴隨閱讀困難,亦缺乏有效之區辨力。 |
英文摘要 |
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the WISC─III scores of 42 second grade to ninth grade ADHD students with coexisting learning problems in Kaushiung City, Taiwan. The major results were concluded as follows:1. The average WISC─III IQs for all subjects were:FIQ─87.90,VIQ─88.38,PIQ─90.40,VCI─90.40,POI─94.10,FDI─85.10,PSI─84.38. About 80% of the subjects’ FIQ,VIQ,and PIQ were≦100.2. The results of the stepwise regression analysis indicated that the most effective variable for predicting word recognition was Information subtest;the FDI and PSI were the best predictors for the performance of reading comprehension and most of the arithmetic concept measurement.3. The results of the point─biserial correlation analysis indicated that neither FDI nor PSI has significant correlations with ADHD subjects.4. The Verbal Ability, Perceptual Organization, and Working Memory, which were three factors that extracted from the 13 subjects of WISC─III,can explain 62.51% of the cumulative variance. 5. All profiles or patterns of WISC─III for diagnostic application,such as ACID, ACAD, PIO─SCAD, WDI Index, and Bannatyne Type, may have much higher ratio of false negative error and false positive error in diagnosing ADHD. |
起訖頁 |
45-75 |
關鍵詞 |
刊名 |
教育理論與實踐學刊 |
期數 |
200512 (14期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
國小教師職業倦怠與情緒智慧之相關研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
認知行為取向的讀書治療對促進兒童利社會行為之個案研究 |