中文摘要 |
日本在經歷過甲午戰爭以及日俄戰爭的連續勝利之後,軍人在戰場上英勇奮戰的英姿時常成為媒體歌頌的焦點,甚至成為戰爭宣傳的工具,被寫入軍歌中提供給國民頌讚傳唱。而這些軍歌的隻字片語則有部份被寫入當代作家的作品之中。在戰時下太宰治的作品中可以看到多篇作品導入軍歌的描寫。例如在作品〈十二月八日〉燈火管制的夜晚腳步蹣跚荒腔走調地吟唱軍歌的丈夫、〈東京來信〉中唱著產業戰士之歌的少女們。然而在先行研究中,雖然有單篇作品曾提及到軍歌,但是針對太宰治作品中軍歌的角色探討則未見到有相關的論述,因此認為尚有值得深入探討之處。本論將以軍歌為視點,來探討太宰治中期作品(1937-1945)中軍歌的角色。 After a series of victories against China and Russia, the brave image of the Japanese soldiers has become the focus of praise in the media, or even more, a tool of propaganda for war by means that some descriptions being incorporated into song lyrics to be sung by the public. Research shows that some of those song lyrics have been adopted by a few contemporary writers and put into their works. Given that, Dazai Osamu’s wartime works also feature such writing style. Although in the literature review, there’s a paper addressing this point, an overall review of Dazai Osamu’s mid-term works featuring military songs seems absent. This paper attempts to address the feature of military songs in the work of Dazai Osamu between 1937-1945. |