中文摘要 |
西川滿(1908-1999)是日治時期在台的日人作家中,最具代表性的人物。他終其一生浸淫在台灣民間習俗之中,書寫台灣。他更是台灣媽祖忠誠的信徒,畢生堅持媽祖的信仰。戰後被遣返日本的西川滿,媽祖信仰更是其精神支柱,在日本活躍於文學活動的同時,西川滿也很致力於其宗教事業,於1960年成立「日本天后會」。 從中國傳來的媽祖信仰,對於台灣信眾來說,媽祖具有靈驗性及神祕性的同時,也有如慈母般的神格形象,故以「媽祖婆」稱之。這點對經常以「御母」稱呼媽祖的西川滿亦是。但是在日本天后會的組織裡,擔任總裁的西川滿主張信仰「天上聖母」,並且需遵守一定的法則,否則無法獲得幸福,這樣的「天上聖母像」,頗有如要求子女遵守規範的嚴父形象。 為此,本研究透過日本宗教心理學的角度,運用日本心理學者河合隼雄的「父性原理母性原理」、宗教學者松本滋的「父性宗教母性宗教」的論點,探討日本天后會的機關誌裡(『人間の星』、『アンドロメダ』)所呈現的戰後西川滿的媽祖形象,來具體化身為日本人的同時也身為日本天后會世界的人們的信仰世界。 Mitsuru Nishikawa (1908-1999) was one of the most representative authors in Taiwan when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. He spent his lifetime studying Taiwanese folk customs and writing about this island. He was, in fact, a faithful believer in Mazu. After the World War II (WWII), Mitsuru Nishikawa returned to Japan and Mazu was still his spiritual support. Mitsuru Nishikawa was very devoted to the Mazu faith while being active in the Japanese literary circle. In 1961, he founded ''Tianhou Kai'', an organization for Mazu believers. This study aims to analyze Mitsuru Nishikawa’s interpretation of Mazu, using Hayao Kawai’s theory of paternal principle/maternal principle and Matsumoto Shigeru’s perspective of paternal religion / maternal religion. In addition, this study examines ''Andromeda'' and ''LESÉTOILES DE L’HOMME'') ( the official publication of '' Tianhou Kai '') to explore the image of Mazu in the heart of the Japanese after the WWII. |