中文摘要 |
本研究主要探討在指導演講稿寫作時,運用「同儕回饋」、「同儕互評表」、「邏輯流程圖」等方法和工具,是否能有效地培訓出台灣日語學習者的「邏輯表達能力」。在本研究中,將學習者最初完成的演講稿稱為「第一稿」,而學習者針對第一稿加以修正後的演講稿稱為「第二稿」。本研究進行了以下三項分析:(1)針對學習者最初完成的第一稿與經歷為期6週同儕回饋活動後自我修正的第二稿做比較分析、(2)針對學習者在同儕回饋活動進行中所完成的第一稿與每週同儕回饋後所修正的第二稿做比較分析、(3)同儕回饋活動結束後,針對學習者實施的問卷調查結果予以分析。在這三項的分析探討後,得到的結論是:指導演講稿寫作時,如果運用上述「同儕回饋」、「同儕互評表」、「邏輯流程圖」等方法和工具,就能夠有效增進學習者對邏輯結構和邏輯順序(如「主題→主張→理由→證據→反對意見→反駁→結論」)的理解和習得。另外,本研究也發現對學習者來說,預測反對意見較為容易,但針對反對意見進行有效且適當地反駁是相當困難的。 This paper explores the effectiveness of peer response, peer evaluation sheet, and logical flowchart as methods and tools in training the logical expression ability of Taiwan’s Japanese learners while writing speeches. The preliminary work of the learners is the first draft, and the second draft refers to the revised version of the first draft. The paper provides three aspects of analysis. First, it compares the first draft and the second draft revised by the learners themselves after a six-week long peer response activity. It also studies the first draft written during the activity and the second draft written in the wake of every week’s peer response. Finally, the paper analyzes the data collected from the questionnaire filled out following the activity. Two findings are thereafter found. First, through peer response, peer evaluation sheet, and logical flowchart, the learners can effectively improve their level of understanding and comprehension in both logical structure and logical order while writing a speech expressing personal views. Another finding suggests that in comparison to predicting the opposing view, it is much harder for the learners to refute the opposing view effectively and appropriately. |