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The Study of Title Fonts Sizes on Instagram for Reading Comfort
作者 蘇昱勻劉育君
Social media posts have become the main entry point for users to obtain information resources; therefore, the inappropriate fonts size may make the user experience negative as the frequency of use increases, and eventually lead to the users' poor experience of the channel and even stop tracking and reading. This study conducted content analysis and experimentation approach aimed to investigate the relationship between user interface design of aggregated information title on Instagram with reading comfort and aesthetics of different font sizes. The results revealed that (1) The larger the font, the higher the acceptance of the reading comfort assessment. (2) The interaction between reading comfort and aesthetics is positively correlated. (3) When the designer looks at the reading comfort and aesthetics of the font size from the user's point of view, it does not differ too much from the average because of his or her design background. (4) The results are different from the three types of common font size preferences for small displays presented in the literature. The results of this study can be used as a practical reference for interface design on mobile devices.
起訖頁 160-174
關鍵詞 使用性閱讀舒適性使用者介面美感Instagram社群媒體UsabilityReading ComfortUser InterfaceAestheticsInstagram
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202308 (2023期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 日本與台灣觀光手冊封面之設計差異與交互應用
該期刊-下一篇 茶葉包裝色彩之分析與差異性探討




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