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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Tongue Diagnosis Using Image Recognition and Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 呂耿瑋管子皓羅梅君
數千年來,舌診在中醫醫學(TCM,Traditional Chinese Medicine)中一直都擁有舉足輕重的作用。舌質特徵,與身體器官的健康有關,對辨證和治療選擇有很大的幫助。一般民眾通常並不具備辨別舌頭異常狀況的專業能力,大多數人認為給醫生看診就是唯一且精確的方法。不過,醫師若僅是以傳統主觀的判斷看診流程,有可能不易進行精確的診斷;近年來,隨著深度卷積神經網絡(CNN)應用、人工智慧框架技術的急速發展,¬¬更完善的方式─應該是設計一套可以「藉由圖像來檢測舌苔及舌質各式樣貌並判斷症狀的系統」。
使用者端可利用任何具有瀏覽器功能的裝置,連接本計畫所開發的網站做使用。此計畫所開發的網頁將採用響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design,RWD),使得使用者無論在行動裝置或電腦,都能得到最佳的視覺體驗。
Since thousands of years ago, tongue diagnosis has played a crucial role in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The characteristics of the tongue are related to the health of the body's organs. In addition, they're also helpful in diagnosing and treatment choices. Unfortunately, the public generally does not have the professional ability to distinguish abnormal tongue conditions. Most people think that seeing a doctor is the unique and accurate method. However, if the doctor only uses traditional subjective judgment for the examination process, it may not be easy to make an accurate diagnosis. In recent years, with the rapid development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) applications and artificial intelligence framework technology, it's considered that designing a system that can ''detect tongue coating and tongue texture through images and diagnose symptoms'' should be a more appropriate method.
Given the above discussion, the system developed in this project is constructed on an open platform. Using the image taken by the user's network camera through the internet, then return the image to the server for analysis. First, it will filter out the ''tongue image'' and then analyze it. Then after combining it with the previously collected Chinese medicine-related information, the system will return the analysis results to the user as a reference case and store the data into the server for future record review and tracking simultaneously.
Users can use any devices with a browser function to connect to the website developed by this project. The website developed by this project adopts responsive web design (RWD), making it possible for users to use it on mobile devices.
起訖頁 121-126
關鍵詞 中醫醫學中草藥舌象分析和診斷物體偵測和辨識影像處理深度學習電腦視覺Traditional Chinese MedicineHerbal MedicineTongue Image Analysis and DiagnosisObject Detection and IdentificationImage ProcessingDeep LearningComputer Vision
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202308 (2023期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 以人工智能辨識高明度紙張紋理特徵
該期刊-下一篇 應用TRIZ理論實作一個具RAID功能之USB磁碟擴充裝置




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