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陶器「始」用的脈絡與詮釋:以秘魯Virú河谷的Huaca Negra遺址為例
Contextualizing the Emergence of Pottery Use and Its Interpretation: A Case Study from Huaca Negra, VirúValley, Peru
作者 陳珮瑜
「人們為何開始製作與使用陶器」是考古學的重要課題之一,而秘魯北海岸Virú河谷的Huaca Negra遺址具備先陶時代到初始時期的連續佔居堆積地層,見證了初代陶器的出現,成為極佳的個案研究。本文嘗試就經濟視角與社會文化意涵兩個層面來理解陶器始用的驅力與詮釋。在方法上,屬性分析揭露了初代陶器主要的實用功能以及紋飾的時空分布差異。另一方面,岩象分析著墨陶器原料來源,並提供初代陶器的製作技術的資訊。兩種分析方法都顯示陶工並未追求成品的一致性或標準化,而是共享製作的基本概念,從中建立共同的製陶與使用經驗甚至社群意識。當前的工作顯示在經濟實用功能與社會意涵兩個層次之外,也應由社群觀點理解始用陶器的動機,這樣的切入點除了為安地斯區域內的比較研究提供新資料,也為整體陶器肇始的探究提供新的脈絡。
“Why did people begin to use pottery vessels”is one of the most compelling questions to archaeologists. Located in the VirúValley on the north coast of Peru, Huaca Negra presents an excellent case study as the site witnessed the transition from the Late Preceramic Period to the Initial Period occupation. From economic/utilitarian and sociocultural perspectives, the interpretation and driving force for the emergence of pottery use can be addressed. Two analytical methods are applied. Attribute analysis illustrates a clear utilitarian function of this assemblage and the spatiotemporal distribution of different types of decoration. Petrographic analysis traces the provenance of raw materials and depicts the technological aspects of the studied materials. The results of analyses indicate that potters in Huaca Negra did not pursue consistent or standardized ceramic products. Nonetheless, they did possess a shared idea and shared experience of pottery making and use, which contributed to the establishment of a sense of community. Current work suggests that, in addition to the economic/utilitarian and sociocultural aspects, the emergence of pottery use can also be interpreted from a community perspective. This new theoretical framework lays the foundation for future comparative studies in the Andes and for addressing the emergence of pottery use from a broader scope.
起訖頁 45-88
關鍵詞 陶器始用屬性分析岩象分析勞力投入共享概念the emergence of pottery useattribute analysispetrographic analysislabor investmentshared idea/experience
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 202306 (98期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 技術選擇理論與屬性分析之應用:以植物園文化陶器為例
該期刊-下一篇 青銅器時代早期愛琴海運輸罐的來源與技術研究:以阿提卡半島的Kontopigado遺址為例




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