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Investigation of How GROW Model as a Coach Model Develops Principals’ Profession of Leadership
作者 孫台育林成財
本研究採用個案研究法。以東部3位校長參與「課啟校長培育」的三階段,「課啟前自我省思」、「實體課啟對話語錄」、「課啟後會談」的歷程中,正式與非正式訪談內容等為研究資料。進行課啟校長培育模式中自我省思、深度傾聽、引導與非指導,並應用GROW模式的目標(Goal)、真實性(Reality)、選擇性(Option)、推動意向方式(Will way forward)等,嘗試建構校長專業發展與領導思維的研究架構。
With the rapid advancement of smart technology, today's educational environment has undergone significant transformations. Fast, continuous, and irreversible changes have become the norm, and the past successful leadership models for principals are no longer a guide for future principal success. This research primarily focuses on the process of principal nurturing through ''COACH curriculum for Principals'' to explore the principal curriculum launching model, seeking the principal's self-professional connotations to establish the direction for their professional development. The study attempts to apply the GROW model during the curriculum launching process to facilitate the continuous professional development of principals and to explore new perspectives for principal leadership. This research employs a case study approach. It involves three principals from the eastern region who participated in the three stages of ''pre-curriculum launching self-reflection,'' ''physical curriculum launching dialogues,'' and ''post-curriculum launching interviews.'' The data collected includes formal and informal interview contents. The study utilizes self-reflection, deep listening, guidance, and mentoring within the principal nurturing process through curriculum launching. Additionally, it applies the GROW model's components, including Goal, Reality, Options, and Will way forward, in an attempt to construct the research framework for principal professional development and leadership thinking. The conclusion of this study is equivalent to the self-reflection of the three principals after participating in the training of the principals of the class, and believes that a future professional principal should have the following professional accomplishments: First, observe keenly, take the initiative to ask good questions, give colleagues the courage to express themselves, and build a sense of psychological security in the team; Second, lead members to reflect, explore and analyze, deeply cultivate the teacher community to form a feedback mechanism, and establish partnerships; Third, stimulate members' insights, release members' innovative energy, cultivate independent actions, and jointly create team learning and growth.
起訖頁 250-271
關鍵詞 GROW模式課啟校長校長專業發展GROW ModelCoaching Principalprincipal professional development
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202309 (12:9期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 日治前期敦促總督府在臺實施義務教育民意初探——以《臺灣日日新報》為中心的討論(1895-1919)




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