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Examinations of Learning Needs and Learning Satisfactions among Non-traditional Students - A Case of Extension Degree Programs in a Typical College in the Central Area in Taiwan
作者 傅啟榮朱惠琴
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning needs of non-traditional adult students in college extension degree programs and the relationship between these needs, the ways of meeting them and the degree to which they have been met. To determine whether the traditional educational setting is suitable for non-traditional students, demographic variables, four learning need factors and four need satisfaction factors were examined. The test results showed that there was a relationship between demographics and learning needs. Gender, age, and position were all factors contributing to the different needs of adult students re-entering school. The test results also showed that there was a relationship between demographics and their satisfaction. Those who sought job advancement and career change were not satisfied with their curriculum and method of instruction. Furthermore, those who had a clearer goal of job advancement were more dissatisfied with the interpersonal-related factors. However, the results also indicated that the adult students who were interested in individual achievement were more satisfied with the instructional- and interpersonal-related factors. Overall, the participants were not satisfied with the services that the school provided. The financial barrier was one of the biggest issues for most of the adult learners.
起訖頁 113-126
關鍵詞 非傳統學生大專推廣教育學習需求及滿意度Non-traditional adult studentsCollege-level extension programsLearning needs and their satisfactions
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200304 (48:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 協同行動研究-以班級經營之常規改善為例




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