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Indonesian-as-Foreign-Language Proficiency Test:Can It Accurately Estimate the Language Proficiency of College Beginning Learners in Taiwan?
作者 何景榮
本文的宗旨,是為了檢驗目前在臺灣的印尼語檢定考試,也就是由臺印兩地大學合辦之「印尼文外語能力檢定」(Tes Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing, TIBA),難度是否適中,以及能否準確評估出臺灣大專生初學者之印尼文程度。筆者將TIBA考試之14位考生的檢定成績,與他們過去6學期的在校印尼文成績,進行迴歸分析,結果發現上開的TIBA檢定考試,並沒有準確反映出學生在校的印尼文成績與學習表現。 接著,筆者再將上開的TIBA檢定考試,分別與臺灣的德語檢定考試,以及另一間臺灣國立大學自行試辦的印尼語檢定考試進行比較,進一步發現TIBA考試之難度分類系統尚未成熟、也難以準確測量出初學者之程度。最後,筆者建議臺灣之印尼語檢定考試之發展,應以發展較成熟之越南語檢定考試系統為借鏡,以因地制宜,更準確地評估出大專階段初學者的印尼語程度。
The purpose of this research is to explore an Indonesian language proficiency test-Indonesian as Foreign Language Exam (Tes Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing, TIBA) cohosted by universities from Indonesia and Taiwan; the author wants to investigate whether TIBA’s difficulty suitable and able to estimate accurately the Indonesian language proficiency of beginning learners in the colleges and universities in Taiwan. To conduct regression analysis, the author took TIBA scores of his 14 students and compared with their college grades in Indonesian language in the past 6 semesters; the result showed that TIBA did not accurately reflect students’ Indonesian language grades and academic performances in college. Therefore, the author further compared TIBA with a German language proficiency test and with another Indonesian language proficiency test hosted by a national university in Taiwan; the comparison proved that TIBA’s difficulty-division system is still unmatured and thus hard to accurately estimate the proficiency of beginning learners. Finally, the author suggests that the development of Indonesian language proficiency test in Taiwan should learn from more matured, better developed Vietnamese language proficiency test system, in order to more accurately estimate the Indonesian proficiency of beginning learners in college and better fit the academic surrounding in Taiwan.
起訖頁 186-202
關鍵詞 印尼語語言檢定第二外語迴歸分析Indonesianlanguage proficiency testsecond foreign languageregression analysis
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202201 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 幼兒園教師學習區規劃的困境及改善策略
該期刊-下一篇 他山之石——有效的數位性別暴力防治教育具體做法




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