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中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Reproduction and Dissemination of Knowledge: A Genealogical Analysis of Historical Writings on the Early Southern Song Dynasty Published from 1240–1340
作者 楊光
A complex relationship exists between narratives on the historical events of the first two emperors of the Southern Song dynasty, emperors Gaozong and Xiaozong, in many extant historical writings published in the late Song and Yuan dynasties. Although the portion on Xiaozong within Huang Song zhongxing liang chao shengzheng 皇宋中興兩朝聖政 (The sagely government of the two intermediate restoration reigns of the Song) is mainly based on Xiaozong shengzheng 孝宗聖政 (The sagely government of Emperor Xiaozong), the author also uses Zhongxing liang chao biannian gangmu 中興兩朝編年綱目 (Chronologically arranged outline and details of the two intermediate restoration reigns) for supplement, the exact work which provides the main body of the records of great events from the first two reigns in Zhongxing dashiji jiangyi 中興大事記講義 (Lectures on the records of great events during the intermediate restoration reigns) as well as being referred to by many other historical writings at that time. Moreover, the records and commentaries found within Zhongxing dashiji jiangyi also appear in several other contemporary writings. These books, publication of which was predominantly fueled by Fujian commercial publishers, emerged as a result of the historiographical work of the Southern Song court and intellectual elites. In this way, the textual genealogy of these historical writings shows how the government, intellectual elites, and publishers together created a vertical chain of knowledge dissemination, relaying historical knowledge of the first two reigns of the Southern Song dynasty from forms of elite historiography to more and more of the general populace.
起訖頁 595-641
關鍵詞 中興兩朝編年綱目皇宋中興兩朝聖政中興大事記講義文本源流知識傳播Zhongxing liang chao biannian gangmuHuang Song zhongxing liang chao shengzhengZhongxing dashiji jiangyitextual genealogydissemination of historical knowledge
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202209 (93:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 文本傳流與變異:兩漢今古文《尚書》新論
該期刊-下一篇 清代漕糧搭運體制的濫觴與成形




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