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Neo-Confucianism and Monarchical Power: The Evolution of the Concept of “Sacred Learning” in Song China
作者 張曉宇
The rise of lixue/daoxue (neo-Confucianism) as one of the key topics in Chinese intellectual history has been thoroughly discussed by historians. Coeval with the rise of lixue was a transition of political forms during the Song dynasty. Since Qian Mu’s discussion of the rise of monarchism during the Song, crucial frameworks in Song history have reflected on this issue, including the “turning-inward” theory of James T. C. Liu, the “local-turn model” of American historians specializing in Song, Yuan, and Ming history, and the detailed analysis of the dynamic process of Song lixue/daoxue history by Yu Yingshi and Hoyt Tillman. During the transition from the Northern Song to the Southern Song, the relationship between Confucian authority and monarchical power underwent profound changes. How did lixue scholars present themselves in their wrestling match with monarchical power? In my reading of Song intellectual texts, I find that lixue scholars were fond of the term “sacred learning.” The same term was also used by Song scholar-officials in referring to the Song emperors’ private learning. Through an analysis of the two different kinds of “sacred learning” in Song history, especially during the transition period from the late Northern Song to the early Southern Song, this study reveals the influence of monarchical power in shaping lixue history. Hence, it examines the political factor in the construction of lixue and adds a new dimension to historians’ understanding of the Song intellectual landscape.
起訖頁 649-700
關鍵詞 聖學經筵理學程氏門人皇權sacred learningimperial lecturesneo-ConfucianismCheng Yi’s studentsmonarchical power
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202112 (92:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-下一篇 聖人之學即眾人之學:《鄉約鐸書》與明清鼎革之際的群眾教化




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