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A New Interpretation on Numerical Names in Song and Yuan Dynasties: Referencing the Latest Discovery of Household Registration Records of Huzhou Lu in Yuan Dynasty and Stele Inscriptions in Song and Yuan Dynasties
作者 魏亦樂
Numerical names were commonly adopted by people in ancient times. In Song and Yuan dynasties, for instance, numerical names were used as official names by the general public. These numerical names gave rise to a new structure in southern China, i.e. numbers that had been used as counting units were adopted to indicate seniority. This is a unique phenomenon in southern China where such usage was fairly common. Subsequently, though, numerical names gradually became less common in Ming and Qing dynasties. By contrast, numerical names were far less common in northern China in Song and Yuan dynasties. The numbers in numerical names were used as general numbers but very rarely as counting units indicating seniority. This north-south divide is the result of clan consciousness in the southern society. Specifically, familial structures in northern China were mostly of smaller scale due to warfare and underdeveloped tenancy system. Given this relatively weaker clan consciousness, clan organizations were therefore not prevalently formed and these factors were reflected in the different naming structure characteristics than the south. A further reason of the general public using numerical names may be attributed to their relatively lower degree of cultural emersion and fewer demands for participating in social activities.
起訖頁 33-80
關鍵詞 數目字人名行第輩分南方北方numerical namesfamilial succession ordersenioritysouthern Chinanorthern China
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202003 (91:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 釋甲骨文中的「互」及相關問題
該期刊-下一篇 畲民之間:帝國晚期中國東南山區的國家治理與族群分類




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