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On the Calendars in the Mawangdui Xingde and Yinyang Wuxing: Centered on the Yinyang Wuxing B
作者 程少軒
The calendar in occult texts should have included three levels: the calendar used for compilation, the calendar appropriate for divination, and the calendar in actual use. Through a reconstruction of the text on the northeastern corner of the Taiyin xingde dayou tu (the picture of the great travelling of taiyin, xing [punishment] and de [virtue]) in Mawangdui Yinyang wuxing B, we can know that while the “calendar used for compilation” in this manuscript has 366 days in a tropical year, its “calendar in actual use” is based on the Zhuanxu calendar that has 365¼ days in a tropical year, resulting in a difference of ¾ days between the two calendars. Since the accumulated calendrical difference in eight years is six days, the migrating date of the calendrical spirit de will be six days behind every eight years in the “divination of xing and de” section. The compiler of this divination manual had to adjust the method of calculation. Therefore he changed “the zi, wu, mao, and you days after the solstice” into “the zi, wu, mao, and you days seven days after the solstice” in the “great travelling of xing and de.” We can use this calendrical difference to figure out that the master copy of the Yinyang wuxing B was being used around the 11th year of the High Ancestor of Han (i.e. Liu Bang, 196 BCE). At the same time, we can surmise that the migrating date of the “great travelling of xing and de” was invented sometime between the 1st year of the Second Emperor of Qin (209 BCE) and the 6th year of the High Ancestor of Han (201 BCE), probably based on the winter solstice (renzi) of 209 BCE. Many calendrical spirits in Yinyang wuxing B were based on the “calendar used for compilation.” The cycling periods of the “great travelling of xing and de,” “small travelling of xing and de,” “nian shangshuo (shangshuo of the year),” “qi shangshuo (shangshuo of the solar terms),” “xiong (ominous),” and “xingri (punishment day)” are either 6 days and 61 days (divisors of 366) or 3660 days (10 years, the least common multiple of 6 days, 61 days, and 60 days [a sexagenary cycle]). These calendar spirits formed a rigorous occult system.
起訖頁 313-344
關鍵詞 馬王堆帛書《陰陽五行》曆法刑德神煞Mawangdui Silk TextsYinyang wuxingcalendarxing (punishment) and de (virtue)calendrical spirits
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201606 (87:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《尚書•無逸》篇今古文異同與錯簡
該期刊-下一篇 按季進呈御覽與清代搢紳錄的刊行




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