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Rebuilding Chinese Ethics: Reforms to Marriage and Funeral Customs during the Reign of Hongwu
作者 張佳 (ZHANG Jia)
The transition from the Yuan to the Ming dynasty, which was characterized by the change of the ruling ethnic group, had a profound effect on the history of Chinese society and culture. The Ming government originated from the Red Turban Rebellion, which was perceived to be illegal by most of the late-Yuan elite. How to establish the legitimacy of the new dynasty became a serious problem for the early Ming government. In ancient China, the foundation of political legitimacy was Confucian ideology, so the new rulers had to regulate the country according to Confucian ideals. Faced with social customs that were a mix of Han and Mongol elements, the Ming government launched a custom reform movement in the name of “abolishing barbarian custom with Chineseness” (用夏變夷) or“restoring antiquity”(復古). Marriage and funeral rites were the core components of Confucian ethics, so the new government paid special attention to them. A number of marriage and funeral customs popular during the Yuan dynasty such as levirate, endogamy, and cremation were strictly forbidden because they belonged to “barbarian custom” (胡俗) or were in conflict with orthodox Confucian ethics. Through the custom reform movement, which rebuilt Han tradition according to Confucian ideology, the Ming government successfully established its legitimacy. The reforms paved the way for Confucian ethics to come into the everyday practice. At the same time, this also established the foundational values and regulations of Ming society.
起訖頁 83-148
關鍵詞 洪武禮俗復古「用夏變夷」政治合法性the reign of Hongwucustomrestore antiquityabolish barbarian customs with Chinesenesspolitical legitimacy
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201303 (84:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從考古發現看西周墓葬的「分器」現象與西周時代禮器制度的類型與階段(下篇)
該期刊-下一篇 明清時期江漢平原里甲制度的實行及其變革




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