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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Study of Job-Related Social Skills Of Young Employees with Mild Mental Retardation |
作者 |
鈕文英、王欣宜 (Hsin-Yi Wang) |
中文摘要 |
本研究的主要目的有二,一為評估輕度智能障礙就業青年和其同事,在接受「工作社會技能訓練方案」的訓練後,輕度智能障礙就業青年在工作情境中表現適當工作社會技能之成效;另一個目的為評估智能障礙就業青年的同事在接受工作社會技能訓練方案中「瞭解和支持智能障礙同事」的訓練後,對增進其「給予個案鼓勵與支持行為」之成效。本研究對象是南部某鋼筆公司的兩名20多歲女性輕度智能障礙就業青年,和他們的三名同事。所用的研究設計,在兩名智障者部分,是採單一受試研究法之跨行為多基線設計,同事部分則採撤回設計。而本研究的工作社會技能訓練方案,分成智障者和同事兩部分,在智障者部分,是訓練四項工作社會技能:專心聽他人說話、服從指令、能在適當時機說「請、謝謝、對不起」、與他人打招呼;在同事部分,則是「瞭解與支持智能障礙同事」。研究結果顯示:在兩名智障者部分,「專心聽他人說話」、「服從指令」、「能在適當時機說:『請、謝謝、對不起』」三項工作社會技能的訓練效果良好,「能與他人打招呼」的訓練結果是有進步,但成效並不穩定,這與研究者事先並未切實做好目標社會效度的評量有關。 |
英文摘要 |
Two studies were conducted to examine the performance of young employees with mild mental retardation on job-related social skills after training employees and their colleagues, and to examine the effects of colleagues' encouraging behaviors after training colleagues. The first study used the multiple baseline across behaviors design to examine the effects of job-related social skills training on the performance of four social skills for young female employees with mild mental retardation. The four job-related social skills included attending to what other people talk, following directions, expressing "please, thanks, and excuse" and greeting others. The result indicated that job-related social skills training advanced the performance of young employees with mild retardation on job-related social skills. The second study used withdrawal design to examine the effects of colleague' encouraging behaviors after the training of understanding and supporting colleagues with mild mental retardation. The result indicated that the training advanced the performance of colleagues on encouraging behaviors. The result of the two studies demonstrated that job-related social skills can be trained and colleagues can be trained to be the natural supporters for young employees with mild mental retardation in workplace. |
起訖頁 |
19-41 |
關鍵詞 |
多項式參數、最小平方投影、隨機序、最大概似估計、Special education、Vocational education、Job-related social skills、Mental retardation |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
199910 (44:1-2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
計分方式對於信念與態度之關係的影響-兼考慮量表結構與加權方法之角色 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
大學生的健康信念、飲食相關自我效能與飲食行為研究 |