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Construction and Application of Item Banking in Multiplication Series Diagnosis Test for the Elementary School
作者 李盛祖林世華
This study was to develop an item bank of mathematical diagnosis for the elementary school by using "solving process by item type framework", and to implement it on computer network environment. The test items in the bank were divided into five forms. Sixteen common items were used in every two consecutive forms for linkage purpose. The data collected from target sample were analyzed .by vertical equating techniques using BILOG-MG. The confirmatory factor analysis model was used to validate the test content. The major findings of this study are: 1 For the IRT modeling, from the goodness of fit index, the response data are mostly fit in two parameters model. 2 For the difference in mathematics ability, the interaction effect between gender and school reaches significance level. Males" the score are significantly higher than females". 3 Regarding the items' discrimination power there is significant main effect for both solving processes in a parameter. 4 For the item difficulty level, there is significant main effect for solving process. 5 Mathematics ability scores are significantly positively correlated with school mathematics achievement score. 6 The response data isn't fitted well to "solving process by item type framework" model. However, the result indicates acceptable convergent validity for both dimensions. Based on this study, the researcher made suggestions in regard to the future research on the subject.
起訖頁 55-74
關鍵詞 數學乘法系列診斷測驗題目類型解題歷程等化題庫Item typeSolving processEquatingItem bankMultiplication series diagnosis test
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 199910 (44:1-2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 大學生的健康信念、飲食相關自我效能與飲食行為研究




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